Welcome! If you’re here because of the Ultimate Blog Party, I look forward to ‘meeting’ you! If you’re just here because you’re one of my five (six maybe?) regular readers, then you are probably wondering what on earth this post is all about. Well, it’s a big old party right inside my computer! How great is that? I just love that I can write this post in my PJs, and then hop around visiting everyone else’s parties in my PJs too (if, in fact, you are wearing your PJs right now, then this must be your kind of party too!) I’m a little late getting in on this, since I only figured out today how to put the little Blog Party button in my sidebar. (I’m pretty new to blogging, so I feel like I should be putting words like “button” and “sidebar” in quotes, but I’m resisting. Happily, thanks to this party I now know what a “widget” is, too. Sort of. Almost. A little bit.) To get us in the party mood, here is one of our girls’ favorite toys that we get to endure play with over and over again at our home. Lucky us. Feel free to sing along!
I suppose an introduction is in order, especially since I’ve never officially done that on my blog. My name is Jodi. I am recently(ish) 30. I am blessed to be married to an amazing Englishman who loves the Lord. We are both eternally thankful for God’s love for us. You can read more about my faith by clicking on any of these highlighted words or by clicking the God category at the side.
We have three wonderful little girls under the age of four (my “baby” was three and a half yesterday!) The big girls tend to steal the show most of the time. Here they are in some transfer T-shirts I made them (more on them to follow!)

This photo really captures their personalities, since Pippa is our thoughtful, reserved little English rose (okay, some of the time), and Romilly is the crazy American chatterbox.
Little Bea sure is starting to give the big girls a run for their money, though. She can steal the show back from them just by being in the room.

Well, what is a party without cake? And what is a cake without icing? Hey, let’s just skip to the icing, okay? I’ve never done a giveaway before, so this seemed like a good occasion to have my first. Here’s the deal. You hop around a little bit and see if you can find a post that gets you thinking, or makes you laugh, or warms your heart or something, then come back to this post and leave me a comment about it (and make sure you include your e-mail address, please). You can even just tell me you like this post, because it has a free giveaway – I’m not fussy about the comment love! I will choose one at random using Amanda’s patented random number choosing system, and I’ll post the winner here (and e-mail you, too!) The winner will receive, as quickly as I can put one together, a personalized transfer T-shirt or onesie with your little one’s name (or yours, if you like) in a street sign or a book title or wherever I happen to find your little one’s name. (Like the ones my big girls are wearing above.) Details are all totally negotiable, and we can discuss after you win! Again, make sure you leave your comment on my party post, or I might not find it for the drawing, which will be after this whole sha-bang is over.
In addition to my little giveaway, there are tons of prizes being offered at the main prize page. My favorites from the list are 80, 101, and 7 (in no particular order), but of course I’d be delighted to win anything at all, especially something cute for my girlies!
Lovely to meet you! Love the PJs!